Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Lib Dems - The New Tories

Unfair dismissal: Vince Cable ponders new 
hire-and-fire rules
Ministers want views on whether firms with 10 or fewer employees should be
able to sack staff without risk of a tribunal if they pay compensation.
Staff who work for small businesses could lose their right to claim unfair
dismissal under plans being considered.
Business Secretary Vince Cable said he wanted the process for getting rid of
staff to be "simpler and quicker".
Unions oppose the idea. Labour called for measures to make it easier to hire
people rather than to fire them.
Announcing a consultation on changes to employment legislation, Mr Cable
said he wanted to help firms expand without making existing staff feel insecure.
If this package gets on the statute books then every employer will be able
to tear up their HR policies and replace them with the simple phrase:-
Do as you are told or you are fired". This is just another example of the 
government being paid by business and applying policy for business
needs only. These changes will make it harder for hundreds of
thousands of workers to bring cases of victimisation, unfairness and
bullying at work.
If anyone wants evidence that the Lib Dems are supping with the devil
this is it. As for the Lib Dems, well done Mr Vince Cable, just go and
join the Tory party and be done with it as no one will ever trust your
party ever again.

The Liberal Democrats - Supporting the Tories

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Oliver Letwin - Dumping Paperwork in the Park!

Oliver Letwin is no stranger to controversy; he is reputedly the person who advised Margret Thatcher to introduce the poll tax, which caused riots in the 1980’s, and had to go into hiding during the 2001 general election campaign after advocating public spending cuts that went further than the Conservatives had announced. He is another Old Etonian Cabinet Minster in this government and is thought to be independently rich.
However this did not stop him claiming expenses, since 2004, he has claimed more than £80,000 of expenses for a cottage in Somerset close to his Dorset constituency. The property is in an isolated area and Mr Letwin claims for the cost of heating fuel and emptying the septic tank. The most controversial claim was made in September 2006. An invoice for £2,145 was submitted by Mr Letwin for works to lay a new 25mm pipeline to replace the existing leaking pipeline under the tennis court of his country home.
While in opposition he did make a claim that set the Tories aside as still the nasty party when he stated that he would rather beg on the streets than send his children to a state school!
I think the notion of dumping recyclable paper into a park bin sets him unfavourably apart from the average citizen, irrespective of the classification of the paperwork. Most people understand the need to recycle and not just dump in a park bin for someone else; a servant I suppose, to sort out.
Pure contempt for ordinary people.