As David Cameron tries to leave some space between himself and the Murdoch’s in the Leveson enquiry and quickly dismisses the the outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury's comments on the ‘Big Society’ scheme which Dr Williams described as aspirational waffle; at last someone has hit the nail on the head!
The Prime Minster now returns to the old Tory faithful of benefit cuts to the undeserved. This time its the under 25’s housing benefits; and this with very high youth unemployment. I am sure very few parents would relish the prospect of their offspring continuing to reside with them into their thirties!
Funny how the target sights quickly move away from the tax avoidance, with poor old Jimmy Carr left to a good few months of audience heckling I am sure!
David Cameron’s attack on Jimmy Carr left him open to the avalanche of tax avoidance that so many of Tory party donors partake in; whether it be non-domicile status, off-shore tax havens or simply signing everything over to the wife who happens to reside in Monaco for tax reasons.
The photo shows Bob Diamond and Phillip Hammond the Defense Minster at an exclusive event in London, one wonders if the MOD has then need for its own bank. Perhaps the ‘The Hammond & Diamond Bank for Heroes’!
I suppose what we are seeing is the emerging of the elite and privileged in our society, simply taking what they can get hold off as more and more people become so fed up and disillusioned with the political system.
Time and time again were heard the cry we need to pay the best to get the best, but in reality we needed to pay the best to keep the secrets under wraps, its simply a corrupt ‘old pals club’.
Apart from the general disconnect people have with politics, David Cameron has been so gifted with first the Royal Wedding, followed by the Queens Jubilee and now the 2012 Olympic Games. They all serve as wonderful distractions to the dismantlement of the British society we all grew up with.
A society that hammers the young, disabled, poor and the ever growing underclass, but lets a super rich banker keep his ill gotten gains and sees him off with lottery win pension with not policeman in sight is simply not British justice.