Now that we are entering the Cub Hunting or Autumn Hunting as they now like to call it season, which is a very secretive and cruel activity, where all the local hunts will be training there new hounds how to kill young fox cubs as part of a pack of hunting dogs. This activity is usually conducted early in the morning or late afternoon and evening when scenting conditions are at there best.
As this activity commences a dictatorial effort is underway to undermined the Hunting Act. This is seen by the Countryside Alliance Chief Executive Alice (Two Horse – took both her horses to university) Barnard, The Horse and Hounds publication and the Vets For Hunting group now renamed Veterinary Association for Wildlife Management (VAWM) . All attempting to undermined the Hunting Act by stating that hunting foxes with a large pack of dogs, a mounted field, with both foot and vehicle followers and of course the usual squadron of terrier men on Quad Bikes, all equipped with spades, metal rods and terriers is the best method to manage our wildlife and in additional seek to dress this grossly unequal contest as sport and part of our heritage.
Interestedly with the proposed badger cull by night time shooting of the free running badgers and the after effects of perturbation (scattering of surviving badgers) and fox hunting continuing which is very disruptive to all wildlife. This seems to have been forgotten from the equation as this government declares open warfare on our native wildlife. As on one hand we are told that with badgers, both TB affected and healthy badgers will be culled by marksmen at night, but for the fox the local hunt rabble will be released on it as complete and total chaos is unleashed in the countryside.
Rather like the Murdoch News International situation the Countryside Alliance is far to close to David Cameron; for example Simon Hart the former Countryside Alliance Chief Executive is now the Conservative MP for Carmarthen West & South Pembrokeshire. This is proof of the political polarisation in hunting. Why even David Cameron was until recently a member of the Heythrop Hunt in Oxfordshire, and has Lord Astor, a regular with the Old Berkshire Hunt and who is also David Cameron’s father-in-law, and the vice-chairman of the Hunting Act Repeal Committee, which is to lead the campaign to repeal the ban and allow this activity to continue under the feeble ‘self regulation’ banner, a huntsman and a former director of public affairs at the British Field Sports Society; now known as the Countryside Alliance which he helped to set up.
Nicholas Le Quesne Herbert (Nick Herbert) the current Police Minster and a former Public Affairs Officer of the British Field Sport Society (BFSS) which is now the Countryside Alliance.
This could explain the lack of police effort regarding illegal hunting activity, a very similar situation with News International and the Metropolitan police!
So much for David Cameron’s promise of openness and transparency before the last general election.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
The Tory Countryside Killers (No Lib Dem MPs within DEFRA)
The Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT) acknowledged by the Government as the prime source of authoritative research continues to argue that badger culling is not viable, poses significant risk of increased diseased spread, and is not the way to resolve bTB. They argue for tough cattle control measures, much improved testing, and the development and use of both badger and cattle vaccines.
Caroline Spelman is simply pandering to the needs of farmers to kill something. They need an scapegoat, someone to blame for there poor husbandry. In the background they are reports that groups are being set up to monitor the interaction of cattle and badgers on farms via night vision equipment with the view to include associations such the Young Farmers Club (YFC) and agricultural students to get involved in the culling process. With this proposed culling being done by the shooting of free running badgers this seems more like a Fairground attraction rather than a series scientific attempt to resolve the situation and it will cause overwhelming damage to the countryside forever.
Now early badger vaccination trials are very promising, so why has the Government cut back on vaccine research which promises a long-term solution, free of all the negative impacts of perturbation and public anger?
By allowing this cull to take place DEFRA, Caroline Spelman and this animal hostile government is in effect creating a new Blood Sport; ‘Badger Shooting’ i.e. the shooting of free-running badgers; which seems likely to increase perturbation and as a direct result the level of bTB in cattle will rise and like all Blood Sports groups they will claim that its all part of the countryside management plan.
I am sure we will soon see Fox Hunting, Hare Coursing and Stag Hunting back on this goverments agenda!
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Is This Cameron's Watergate?
Just over 18 months ago one of the papers in the News International group, The Sun was leading with the story regarding the then Prime Minster Gordon Brown concerning his dreadful and disrespectful act of getting the name of solider Jamie Janes killed in action in Afghanistan wrong when writing to the soldiers Mother. This was compounded with Mr Brown’s failure to bow at the cenotaph during the Rembrance Sunday wreath laying ceremony. All eyes were on poor old Mr Brown and the long knifes were out!
David Cameron sat quietly while poor old Brown was figurately battered to death, not once did he question the torrent of media abuse directed at Brown by his ‘friends’, after all he had a lot to win by staying silent.
I suppose that the only other area we have seen such a concerted attack on a public figure is usually against a beleaguered England Football manger following a string of poor results and an early exit from the competition!
But here we have the mighty Rupert Murdock News International Empire and the Chipping Norton set deciding who make there chum David Cameron the next Prime Minster. Their job was made easier with the MPs expanse scandal, yes a few Tories were caught out with moot cleaning and duck islands. But as it was on Labours watch people were more than ever ready for change.
The effects of Tony Blair and his Iraq war, the global financial crisis and expenses scandal made it totally acceptable to target Gordon Brown even more, he was in effect a dead man walking, but just to be sure he was killed off at the general election, the full force of the Tory supporting Murdock empire was arranged against Gordon Brown and the tired New Labour.
But who would have guessed that as we watched the dead returning through Wotton Basset that the Murdock press would be hacking into the dead service personnel’s relatives’ phones looking for material for new headlines.
David Cameron’s close association with these people brings into question his ability to be a Member of Parliament never mind the post of Prime Minster; and will he call off Christmas with Rebecca Brooks this year or perhaps take her a food parcel in her new HMP guesthouse?
As for Vince Cable, Nick Clegg and the rest of the Liberal Democrats members of this government, do they really know who they are sleeping with and what they will catch in time for the next general election? This will compound there problems as apart from betrayal on tuition fees for the so called good of the country, everyone will question their honesty and moral judgment.
9th November 2009 Sun leading with Remembrance Gaffe and the error prone letter Mrs Jacqui Janes received about the loss of her son Jamie killed in Afghanistan .
The Sun says ‘Bloody Shameful’
I just wonder if the Telegraph will turn its attention onto the Lib Dem MPs rather like they did with Vince Cable, in an attempt to divert attention away from the embattled Cameron. As this newspaper group has a lot to make up as the News International almost wore out the path to Number 10 with there frequency!
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