The Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT) acknowledged by the Government as the prime source of authoritative research continues to argue that badger culling is not viable, poses significant risk of increased diseased spread, and is not the way to resolve bTB. They argue for tough cattle control measures, much improved testing, and the development and use of both badger and cattle vaccines.
Caroline Spelman is simply pandering to the needs of farmers to kill something. They need an scapegoat, someone to blame for there poor husbandry. In the background they are reports that groups are being set up to monitor the interaction of cattle and badgers on farms via night vision equipment with the view to include associations such the Young Farmers Club (YFC) and agricultural students to get involved in the culling process. With this proposed culling being done by the shooting of free running badgers this seems more like a Fairground attraction rather than a series scientific attempt to resolve the situation and it will cause overwhelming damage to the countryside forever.
Now early badger vaccination trials are very promising, so why has the Government cut back on vaccine research which promises a long-term solution, free of all the negative impacts of perturbation and public anger?
By allowing this cull to take place DEFRA, Caroline Spelman and this animal hostile government is in effect creating a new Blood Sport; ‘Badger Shooting’ i.e. the shooting of free-running badgers; which seems likely to increase perturbation and as a direct result the level of bTB in cattle will rise and like all Blood Sports groups they will claim that its all part of the countryside management plan.
I am sure we will soon see Fox Hunting, Hare Coursing and Stag Hunting back on this goverments agenda!
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