Friday, 13 January 2012

Let Get Angry This Year!

Following on from the parade of horses and hounds celebrating both the Boxing Day and New Year meets with all the splendour of their magnificently turned out horses and tinsel clad riders so regally fit for a chocolate box lid setting. One could have been mistaken for walking into the set of Downton Abbey or a Emily Brontë novel in the making.
However any attempt to refocus the thoughts at this time of the year, such as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s message was firmly hounded down by the West Countries MP’s, mainly Conservative but with the odd rumblings from the few collaborating Lib Dem MP’s.
Much was made of the comments by hunting minster Jim Piace with a renewed pledge to repeal this bad law. But what concerns me more is the Badger Cull scheduled in some yet unselected locations, as soon as the police become available after the London Olympic games are over. The noises being made from the countryside Constables are that they are up for it and will deal with any animal rights extremists that attempt to hinder any cull zones.
Well as someone who has in over forty years driving has only picked up two speeding tickets and never been arrested or questioned by the police for any wrong doings. I feel this is all about to change as a middle aged and I suppose middle class resident of this country I and my wife are on a collision course with the establishment and in particular the countryside constabularies. They never found any resources to quell the rampant illegal hunting across their two counties and now they are in full readiness to fully support the NFU to ensure this Bloody Badger Cull is carried out.
Its about twenty years ago that the environmental campaigner Swampy swung into action around Cyst Honiton as he and his friends perched high in the trees in an attempt to stop the construction of the new A30 trunk road into Exeter. They did fail but the well spoken Swampy did bring to our attention the environment impact that road schemes have and remember back in those days you could pop into any pub or restaurant and smoke joyously away irrespective of other peoples health and views.
What is now required is the amassing of the ageing extremists of yesteryear, veterans from the Battle of the Bean Fields, Greenham Common, Ban the Bomb and apartheid as all the petitions have been signed and presented, all the letter writing to MPs have been delivered and ignored and there is no other alternative but to take direct action to stop this bloody unscientific cull in its tracks.
And this direct action will bring people, ordinary honest people into conflict with the police who seem no longer accountable to the very people they are suppose to serve and protect. Seemly able to find the resources and then jump to the tune of the many countryside pressure groups awash with campaign reserves to seek changes so far removed from our basic wishes.
It will be the badger today, the fox tomorrow and the squirrel the next day; there seems no end of the list of wildlife mammals that are under the conservation of the double barrow shotgun!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree (about the Badgers), but unless I'm mistaken, some attention is needed with the spelling and grammar. Dum de dum etc, just sayin' no offence intended.
