Saturday, 1 December 2012

No More Controls on Farms Until They Start Killing Badgers!

Reading in the local press about the comments made against Queen guitarist and Animal Welfare campaigner Brian May that he was ‘utterly hypocritical to allow deer culling on land he had just bought (being implemented by a local gamekeeper under the estates land current management plan). If it was me I might have stopped the cull right away, but Mr May seemed to err on the cautious side, perhaps not wanting to ride ruff-shod over everyone in an arrogant and bullying fashion.
However every pro-cull farmer seems to look on this as an opportunity to demonise and smear one of NFU biggest opponents over this mad, bad and daft badger cull.
I also read in the latest Farmers Weekly that the South West NFU Livestock Board is calling for planned changes to TB testing and cattle movement controls to be delayed until the badger cull is under way.
Now we all know that the poor badger probably got TB from cattle and everyone knows that the mayor part of the bTB eradication plan is better cattle testing and the need for much stricter movement controls and improved husbandry on farms.
But now the farmers don't’ want to play ball, this is complete madness and we as tax payers should not be funding this nightmare.
Now thats what I would call a five star hypocritical situation!

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