Sunday, 15 September 2013

The Countryside Alliance and the Badger Cull

If anyone has any concerns about the political motivations behind the mad, bad badger cull one only has to look that the people who are pushing the adgenda.
The NFU are desperate to shift the blame onto the badgers to avoid the necessary bio-security measures that will be required to control the spread of bovine TB, both in cattle and the wildlife at large.
Since the first bovine TB infected badger was found in 1971 it is now considered that with the massive industrialisation of the farming industry this has resulted in the spread bovine TB into the wildlife and farmers are now conducting a damage limitation exercise by pointing the finger at the badger. Bovine TB can effect not only badgers but also pigs, rabbits, deer, foxes, ferrets, mink, rats, cats and dogs.
For the NFU gone is the notion that the polluter should pay for the clean-up costs for the mess they are responsible for. The farmers do not want to contribute a penny for the contamination that has seeped from there farms into the countryside. Instead they seek to destroy the wildlife in a vein attempt to shift the blame.

People need to consider very carefully if they want to support an industry that will eventually wipe out our native wildlife using our money and giving us no say in the process, trotting out the old adage that “we do not understand the countryside and it’s way”. 
With this debate we should consider it is rather like a nuclear leak at Hinckley Point power station, but unlike the power company which would be forced to take responsibility for the contamination we the taxpayer are being forced to pick up the bill for the spread of bovine TB into our wildlife and then have our wildlife killed as a result of the farmers messy industry and reluctance to spend money on improvements.
The Countryside Alliance’s hand in this bloody badger cull is beginning to emerge with Guy Robinson, previously head of political research at the Countryside Alliance,  being appointed to support Environment Secretary Owen Paterson, again a keen blood sports supporter who writes exclusively for the Countryside Alliance. 
Mr. Robinson was working for Lynton Crosby’s company; this company has been charged with getting the Tories elected with a working majority at the next election.

Each day this cull continues more and more people will switch away from British farm products as this it is the only way to register there protest, and the thought that a Conservative government would be in place as this badger cull is rolled out to many other areas. The countryside will be awash with hunters and shooters and very little natural wildlife. We may even see the revamping of SpringWatch and AutumnWatch as an all embracing HuntWatch where the badger will be dead and the foxes breed for hunting - a brave new countryside!

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