Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The Countryside Alliance is Now Running the Badger Cull!

The Countryside Alliance’s hand in this bloody badger cull is beginning to emerge with Guy Robinson who was previously the head of political research at the Countryside Alliance has been appointed to support the Blood Sports mad Environment Secretary Owen Paterson, who writes exclusively for the Countryside Alliance magazine. 
Mr. Robinson was working for Lynton Crosby’s company; and Lynton Crosby himself has been put in charge of the Tory election machine to get the Tories elected with a working majority at the next general election. Mr. Crosby's PR and lobbying firm Crosby Textor has long-standing links with the tobacco industry and its recent successes have included the dumping of the planned introduction of plain packaging for cigarettes and promoting a powerful group that campaigns for fracking in the UK with government provided tax relief.

The Countryside Alliance is a political pressure group working to overturn the hunting ban and promote blood sports in the countryside and has been very active in a smear offensive against the RSPCA following the society’s successful conviction for illegal hunting against the Prime Ministers local Fox Hunt. They have also been at loggerheads with the RSPB over the use of lead polluting ammunition used for game bird and water fowl shooting!

Now if you look at the locations of the two badger cull zones in West Somerset and Gloucestershire; both these locations are home too many pheasant shooting estates and are awash with an array eager and keen of blood sports enthusiasts all to ready to participate in the cull. 
They are various other grouping within the countryside that has the view that wildlife is a nuisance and the badger in particular in relation to the many pheasant shoots. 
With the advent of solar farms and bio-fuel crops being developed, then in the rush for quick profits the overarching desire is to have no legally protected species of wildlife for many countryside businesses, it simply gets in the way of profits.
Hunting, shooting, snaring and poisoning are the traditional wildlife management techniques deployed and why should they be force to change; “it’s our tradition!” is the usual cry for the indefensible actions that they deploy against our wildlife.

But perhaps the worst aspect of the Badger Cull is the way that the shooting has been allocated to private companies and then to individuals. These companies are then able to recruit the local blood sports hobbyists, who generally tend to be members of the Countryside Alliance and so the circle of evil is complete.
A Bloody Holy Trinity of Un-Natural England, National Farmers Union and DEFRA have baked together in Hell this wicked and unnecessary Badger Cull with the Countryside Alliance emerging as the “Prince of Darkness’” in the English countryside!


  1. I have been saying for months that the cull was preemptive to a new motion to bring back blood sports. All I can say is that sociopaths and murders often kill animals before they move to human beings (a step already taken by this Government who have killed thousands of disabled people). I am utterly disgusted by killing any animal and saying it is normal, or part of my heritage. I am ashamed to be British right now. STOP killing and make a list of offenders and name and shame them. I don't care who they are Queens, Princes, Member of Parliament, Countryside Alliance , hunt members, whoever - cruelty is an illegal activity and should be punishable under the law....

  2. I agree but what is more worrying is the way that the Countryside Alliance and now the NFU and Farmers are rounding on the RSPCA over there stand on but taking to court illegal hunting and the culling of badgers.
    The Countryside Alliance are over the moon with this cull as it will be there members; gamekeepers and fields blood sports people that will be most involved in the badger culling process and reading in the current issue of Horse & Hound their Chief Executive Barney White-Spunner trumpets the Alliances connections in high places with this government that will be used to kick start the repeal of the hunting act. A great ally in all of this is of course is the Environment Minster Owen Patterson who as the Badger Cull champion and keen as mad hunting frantic who in the past refers to anyone classed as an anti-hunt person as a Nazis!
