No more secretly trying to remove anti-hunt Lib Dem and Labour MP’s in the sleepy marginals.
Fighting To Get Hunting Legal Again
For about a decade now this group has been out and about getting pro-hunt MPs elected in the marginal seats. They claim that they managed to swing 36 marginal seats to pro-hunt Tories at the last election.
During previous elections many marginal seats were swamped by the traditional tweed clad countryside types promoting the failures in the NHS citing too many Labour appointed managers in place, or attempting to blame the global financial crisis on Labour's mismanagement. Rural Post Offices and local shop closures down to nasty Gordon Brown? But hunting was never mentioned during these door step and leafleting campaigns. The hunters were out just to get their man elected as an MP who would vote to repeal the Hunting Act and warm to the countryside land owning elite.
All political parties have their backers and funders, but perhaps the most covert is the Holy Trinity of the countryside; namely the National Farmers Union (NFU), Country Land and Business Association (CLA) and the Countryside Alliance (CA). They draw on support from all major political parties but in David Cameron they see as their true Messiah. The Prime Minster is a Fox Hunter, Deer Stalker and game shooter, married into the land owning aristocracy. Even his chancellor George Gideon Oliver Osborne is part of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy and heir to the Osborne baronetcy.
Gone now are the Wind Farms, they interfere with hunting and confuse the pheasants and of course spoil the manor house views, but in their place are the vast Solar Farms looking like a lake of still water. Turning prime agricultural land into an industrial wasteland, while providing expensive green electricity to the masses at a healthy profit to the landowner.
Nuclear power is a Gas! As the Lady Lieutenant of Somerset has been able to lease her fields to the French EDF for a staggering £50M and at the end of the day will get the fields back!
The NFU get their Badger Culls to help the shooting estates get rid of the pesky badger to alleviate their problems with game birds and bird feeders.
Green field development will get the go-ahead when the landowners see a healthy profit.
Industrial farming will step up a gear as the sights are set on the Asian markets, barring a few teething problems with dodgy cheese hygiene issues. The countryside will then soon be full of battery cows milked three times a day, veal creates as far as the eye can see and pig pen arrays being the new crystal maze of horror.
In this scheme of things wildlife has no monetary value and the countryside belongs to the landowners who with taxpayers money will milk the life out of it for themselves.
I spy with the kids will now sound like as follows as the family travels down a typical A road;
I spy with my little eye something beginning with ‘V’;
>>Veal Crate Arrays;
I spy with my little eye something beginning with ‘P’;
>>Pig Pen Arrays;
I spy with my little eye something beginning with ‘M’;
>>Mega Cow Sheds;
I spy with my little eye something beginning with ‘B’;
>>Bird Feeders for as far as the eye can see;
I spy with my little eye something beginning with ‘T’;
>>Tree; sorry I cannot see one as they were all chopped down to allow the light in for the Solar Farms.
You just need to look at the environment and flooding and the way Ian Liddle-Grainger reacted to understand where his loyalty lies. The flooding was not down to cuts in budgets or the way maze crops are managed or the deforestation of uplands to allow more intensive sheep farming. The floods were down to the actions of the Labour head of the Environment Agency who failed to stop the rain from falling or was as UKIP stated, gay marriage to blame!
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